Halloween And Candy Sales

What are you giving out today
for Halloween?
Odds are… candy and gum
or more precisely
lollipops or tootsie rolls.

Halloween is the largest holiday
for confectionery sales
(followed by Easter and Christmas).

The top candy given out today are…

1 – Lollipops
2 – Tootsie Rolls/Pops
3 – Smarties
4 – Bubble Gum
5 – “Fun Size” Chocolates
(with Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups the favorite)
6 – Pixy Stix
7 – Sweetarts
8 – Starburst
9 – Caramel Candy
10 – Candy Corn

Hhhmmm… I now know
why my hairdresser gives out lollipops
to her younger customers.

Though if you’re targeting older customers,
70% of parents sneak snack-size chocolate bars
from their children’s trick-or-treat sacks.

BTW… Candy and Gum ranked 4th
among all food categories in 2009
(trailing carbonated beverages, milk, and salty snacks).
If you are making a no-candy stand,
know that you’re in the minority.

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