Niche Marketing

Design Damage has an absolutely wonderful post
on the Six Habits Of Highly Effective Marketers.
All six habits slam
but I especially loved the bit on niche marketing.

“Successful marketer choose a niche
and stick to it.
They inject all the experience, knowledge,
theories and ideas they have
and consistently create content around it.
Everything is narrowly focused
so it speaks to those
that are looking for solutions in that topic.”

The post talks about
how this reduces misunderstandings.

Under one of my pen names,
I write 10,000 word stories
and that’s it.
Many writers tell me
they get complaints about
short stories.
Readers complain that they aren’t long enough.

I don’t get any complaints
because, under that name,
that is all I write.
Readers know what they’re going to get.

Niche branding reduces complaints.

Categorized as Marketing