A Secondary Customer

Publisher calls for submissions
are very similar to RFP’s
(request for proposals).
There are guidelines set
and every submission should meet
these guidelines.

The idea,
of course,
is that author/vendor provides
the publisher/customer
with an individualized solution.

That’s great for the customer.
Not-so-great for the vendor.

What I try to do
is ensure there is a secondary customer
for every submission.

If one publisher is looking for stories
between 10,000 and 15,000 words
featuring werewolves, vampires, or dragon shifters
and another publisher wants stories
between 12,000 and 20,000 words
featuring vampires, witches, or gargoyles,
I’ll write a story
between 10,000 and 12,000 words
featuring vampires.
If publisher A doesn’t want it,
I’ll then send the story to publisher B.

It takes a little bit more upfront work
to find a secondary customer
for a ‘unique’ product
but it is well worth the work.

Always ask yourself
‘who else could benefit from this product?’
and ensure that you don’t isolate
that other customer.