I attended a seminar
held by romance writer Robyn DeHart
on Saturday.
She said that every book
has a piece of the writer in it.
Usually it is the emotion.
The source of the emotion
may be different
(I don’t go around killing people,
for example)
but the emotion itself is the author’s.
That is also true of other products.
Yes, we try to make it all scientific
and reflecting prospect’s needs
and as impersonal as possible.
However, there’s a reason
why you picked THAT product
to test with consumers
or that you thought of THAT product
at all.
That’s one reason I call my products
my babies.
They are a part of me.
Sometimes you have to kill your babies
and that hurts.
It is okay that it hurts.
Take some time and grieve privately
(focus on privately
as women especially don’t want
to get smacked with the deadly emotional label).
And when they launch successful,
be proud.
That’s a piece of you
sitting there on the shelf.