The Realism Of Twilight

I was asked why I think
Twilight is so effective
at reaching its target market.

One of the reasons is
because it is ‘real.’
How can a vampire vs werewolf story
be ‘real’?

Because it embraces the unpopular
or the unnecessary.

Sex sells, right?
Every teen knows this.
Well, Bella is a virgin.
There’s no sex in the first three movies.
There’s no nudity.
Twilight walks away
from this easy marketing ploy.

The werewolves belong
to an aboriginal band.
All the actors and actresses
playing the werewolves
also belong to aboriginal bands,
even the ‘hottie’ Jacob.
This extra layer isn’t going to
sell more movie tickets.
The average movie goer isn’t going to care.

There’s no preaching about either.
There’s no one blatantly marketing it.
There’s no need to.
Teens are savvy.
The true fans know.
They become Twilight ambassadors or Twi-Hards.

And THAT is how deep
this ‘silly’ vampire movie is.
Is your more ‘serious’ product as deep?

Categorized as Marketing