Misleading Marketing

I was invited to a free lunch
on Friday.
I was told it was ‘Italian food.’

I envisioned pasta.
The actual meal was pizza.

I love pizza.
I love pizza more than I love pasta.
If I had been told it was pizza,
I would have gone
and enjoyed it.

But I was told it was Italian food
and, even though I prefer pizza,
I felt like a fool
for having been ‘taken.’

That’s what misleading marketing is.
It is when you think
your shit isn’t good enough
so you ‘enhance’ the marketing message,
hoping that someone will try it once.

But they only try it once
because they feel like a sucker
for having been tricked
and end up associating that negative feeling
with your product.

You have a choice.
You can mislead prospects
and hope you have an unlimited number of prospects
to sell to.

Or you can market a product
you have confidence in.

Categorized as Sales