Lasagne At A Thai Restaurant

One of my buddies recently
ordered a western-style lasagne
in a Thai restaurant.
She was disappointed
because it wasn’t good.

You may be thinking
‘Well, that’s silly.
Of course, it wouldn’t be good.
They specialize in Thai food,
not Italian.’

Yet don’t we make that mistake
all the time
in other areas?

We’ll order a new site design
from our web host
just because they offer it
and it is convenient to deal
with the one vendor.

We’ll sell a book to our existing publisher
because it is easier
even though it would sell more copies
if another publisher published it.

An executive I once worked with
would constantly ask us
‘if we weren’t already with this vendor,
would we give them this business?’
If the answer was no,
give the business
to someone else.