Focus On What You Can Control

Part of new product launches
is looking at what if scenarios.
What if the competitor
drops their price?
What if they launch
their competing product first?
What if the economy
tanks/improves/stays neutral?

These are things we can’t control.
I spend very little time on them.
What I do spend time on
is our reaction.
That we CAN control.

Lori Ann LaRocco
talks about this in her Forbes post.

“A great example is
Steve Sadove at Saks.
He said while he couldn’t control
the buying habits
of the consumer
during the height of the crisis,
the one thing he could control
was inventory.
He and his team
then took the necessary steps
to tackle that problem
through discounts and
also cut back on ordering
for the next season.”

Focus on what you can control.