Waiting For An Event

Last year,
I had my heart set on being nominated for
a certain romance award.
‘When I am nominated for this award,
I am going to send out notices
to all the newspapers.
I am going to contact bookstores
and bloggers
and do a big media blitz.’

I ordered promo material.
I bought extra copies of my books.
I prepared.

The nomination didn’t happen.

Then I realized how silly I was.
I didn’t need the nomination
to do my media blitz.
I had plenty of other news to share.

I put my plan in motion.

Another example…
I normally wait to get my cover
before marketing a new book.
Covers add visual pop.

I received my February release cover late.
I couldn’t wait.
I marketed anyway.
The interesting thing is…
I received a double wave of buzz
First with the initial marketing.
Second when I received my cover.

Are you waiting for an event
to market?

Categorized as Marketing