Keep Buying Tickets

Last week,
I received a terrible review
on one of my books,
my pre-editor hated a short
I’d written,
I got an outright rejection
on a full manuscript submission.

It could have been discouraging
but I was lucky.
I still have two manuscripts
out in submission land.
I still have hope
that one of these ‘tickets’
will win.

New product development
is the same way.
As long as there are some products
alive somewhere in the pipeline
(either in concept screeners,
idea screeners,
focus groups,
etc. etc.)
then there is hope.
We can still win.

The trick is to constantly
keep that pipeline full.
Having 3 non-wins last week
means buying at least 3 new tickets this week.

You can’t win if you don’t have a ticket.
These tickets have to be replenished.
Keep hope alive.
Put something in the pipeline.