Shimmer Lotion And Twilight

Yesterday I hunted for an hour
for shimmer lotion.

Shimmer lotion was popular
a few years ago.
This moisturizer with sparkles in it
(a simple twist on an existing product)
was a seasonal (Christmas) fad.

That fad is back.

I tease a 37 year old loved one
about being my Edward.
I wanted to give him shimmer lotion
as a joke present
so he could sparkle like that Twilight vampire.

Very few stores had it.
Not one store made the connection
to Twilight/vampires.
Sure, no one wants to pay
licensing fees
but there are ways to market
a product
without smacking the Twilight name on it.

It is a wasted opportunity.
The product exists,
it simply has to be brought back
from the dead
(pun intended)
and marketed.

Keep a database
(the database sometimes resides
in the brain of a long time employee)
of existing and dead products.
Re-use these already developed products
as much as possible.

Categorized as Sales

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