The Greatest Leadership Sin

Leadership Blog
has summed up Drucker’s
Seven Deadly Leadership Sins.

The most deadly?


“The sin of pride
is usually considered
the most serious of the seven deadly sins.”
Being proud of one’s accomplishments is one thing.
“The problem comes
when leaders believe themselves so special
that ordinary rules no longer apply.
Generalized pride
—as opposed to being proud of specific things—
is the most serious leadership sin
because it can easily lead to the other six.”

Innovators, thankfully, have a
natural neutralizer for this sin.
It is called failure.
If you innovate,
you will fail.
If you never fail,
you don’t innovate
(i.e. you’ve failed at innovating).

I remember that
every time I get a little too full of myself
(which is not often
as I fail on a regular basis).