Current Events And Marketing

Should you use current events in marketing?
Yes and no.

Yes, if the medium has a quick turn around
for changes.
Grounding a marketing message
with an appropriate current event
makes the message more relevant,
more emotional.

No, if it costs too much money
or time
to change the marketing message.
What is popular today
might not be popular or even positive
three months from now.

For example…
I write my novels so they should still be relevant
five years from now.
It takes me three years for my novels to be published
and then I have at least two years to sell them.
I don’t use current references.
I keep technology vague.
If my hero and heroine see a movie,
it is usually a classic.

My short stories on my blog are different.
I write them a day or two ahead of the post date.
I expect them to be read immediately
and then forgotten.
I can refer to current events.
I can make the stories timely.
In my current story,
the hero and heroine make a date to see
The Time Traveler’s Wife.
There are references to Twilight
and current fashions.

Use current events carefully.

Categorized as Marketing