Awards ARE Popularity Contests

An author
complained to me
that she never wins any awards
even though her books are wonderful.

She’s right.
Her books ARE wonderful.
Unfortunately she is not.
Or at least she isn’t perceived as wonderful.

especially those that
can be traced to the manufacturer,
are popularity contests.

And they should be.
By choosing the product (book),
the committee/judges/whoever
are choosing the manufacturer (author) to represent that award.
Until the next recipient is chosen,
they will be working closely with that manufacturer.

I don’t enter any awards
the judges don’t want me to win.
I don’t enter an award
that, in the past,
has only been given to large press authors
no matter how good my small press book is.

I campaign during awards season
to prove to judges
that I CAN represent them properly.

And when I’m given an award
or even a nomination,
I represent that award.

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