How To Land Guest Bloggers Without Traffic

It is challenging to blog every day
(believe me, I know).
It can also be lonely.

One solution is to ask others to guest blog for you.
Why would others guest blog?
To gain exposure to other readers.

So what happens if you have a new blog?
If you have no readership?

Then you sell your blog
on the promise of future readership.
Or you’re so nice
the blogger has trouble saying no.
Or you read her books.

Yep, you read that right.
I guest blog
(on the topic of romance or writing)
for any reader, author, reviewer
who reads my books
(or claims to read my books
– I don’t test them).

I’ve landed New York Times Bestselling authors
for guest blogs
using the exact same technique.
I write,
I tell them I’m a fan
(which, in my case, is true),
and 8 times out of 10,
they’ll send me a short guest blog
or answers to interview questions.

It isn’t about traffic.
It is about giving the guest blogger
something she wants.
I want to be read.

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