Your Canadian Customers

Canada is America’s largest trading partner.
It isn’t a long shot
for me to guess that
you have Canadian suppliers
or Canadian customers.
(If you don’t,
is this a market you should be looking at?)

Do you treat them differently?

Take today.
It is July 1st, Canada Day
(think July 4th).
Did you tweak your July 4th special offer
for your Canadian customers?
Swap Happy July 4th to Happy Canada Day?
Change the flags?
(Fireworks are universal)

Did you send a simple email
wishing them a Happy Canada’s Day?

I bet you haven’t.
Because in all my years
of working with major companies
(with serious cross-border trade),
I’ve never heard of a company doing this.

That creates a wonderful relationship building opportunity
for the clever company that does.

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