Support Your Product’s Format

I recently read an interview
with an author
who clearly hated reading eBooks
and claimed they weren’t true books.
A strong and honest opinion.
The thing is…
her books are now only available
in eBook.

I once worked with a coworker
who very vocally felt that cola should be
only enjoyed out of glass bottles.
That despite 
economics and consumer preferences
dictating that most cola was sold in cans and plastic.

I continue to hear grumblings from movie folks
about how HD DVD should have won
the format wars
and how Blu-ray is inferior.

Doubting the format
your product is now in
creates doubt in your customer’s mind.

Sure, go ahead and work on another format
but until customers are ready to switch,
don’t put down the one
they’re currently buying.

If you do,
you’ll end up looking
like a pretentious jackass.

Categorized as Marketing