The File

I know I’ve blogged about this before
but it is time for a reminder…
You absolutely need a dirt file.
You need a top secret file
documenting every shady thing
that your manager
or manager’s manager
or manager’s manager’s manager
has ever done.


Because, in these economic times,
employers are thinking up new ways
NOT to pay severance.
The ‘temporary’ layoff
is gaining popularity
where the company lays employees off
doesn’t pay severance up front
(they don’t have to pay severance
unless you haven’t worked for X amount of days
– depending on where you live,
X could be six months or more).
They hope you’ll find another job
before they have to pay up.
This is perfectly legal.

The only solution to this
is the threat of other, more costly legal action.
That’s when the dirt file comes in handy.

You never ever want to use the dirt file
but if something like this happens,
you’ll be glad you have it.