What To Do When Your Boss Is Stuck

Yesterday, we talked about bosses being stuck.
Today, we’ll talk about how to work around
a stuck boss.

A loved one wants a promotion
but he’s dealing with a stuck boss.
The boss doesn’t know how to ask
for what the loved one wants (a promotion).
He’s scared someone will figure out
he doesn’t know how to play the game
and fire his ass.

So my loved one is putting together a proposal.
He’s outlining why that position
(always make it about the position,
not about the person)
should be at a more senior level.
This report has numbers behind it
(the percent of his pay currently performance based
the percent of revenue he pulls in for the team).
It is thick
it is ready to be presented.

All the boss has to do
is read the executive summary.
It is no risk for him.
If it goes well,
he takes all the credit for the report.
If it goes poorly,
he says since his employee
put so much time into it,
he felt he had to present it.

Stuck boss worked around.