What Percent Of Employees Should Meet Incentive?

A great way to motivate salespeople
is with incentives or contests.

Many companies offer a single ‘Grand Prize’
and wonder why the incentive
doesn’t work.

Why doesn’t it work?

Because the top salesperson
has enough motivation
maintaining his number one ranking.
The number two
is already gunning for number one.
And the rest feel
they’ll never win
so they don’t bother trying.

Selling Is Everyone’s Business
written by
Steve Johnson and Adam Shaivitz,
Mark Benjamin at ADP advises
“the benchmark is set right
for a contest or incentive trip
if about 30 to 50 percent make it.
The top 3 to 5 percent will be there anyway.
These rewards are in place
to get the next larger group
to the next level.
You can still do something nice
for the top 5 percent,
like a special cocktail hour with the CEO
or upgraded hotel rooms,
and that does what you need
in giving them
the extra bit of recognition.”

Categorized as Sales