Banning Tiffany

Yesterday, I received 132 spam emails
from Tiffany
(all to do with Christmas shopping).
The day before,
I received about the same amount.
They went straight to the spam folder
but as legit emails find their way in there too,
I always have a look through.

So what do you do if YOUR name is Tiffany?

You use this as an excuse
to talk to your contact list
phone or snail mail or in person.
You remind them to add you
to their email contact list.
You make light of it
use it as a marketing tool.

The opportunities are endless.

Categorized as Marketing

Regrets, I’ve Had A Few…

My local paper has a
‘Sorry, I missed you…’
daily column.

Every day, they feature 3 messages
(out of many submitted)
from people now having regrets
they didn’t get a fellow commuter’s name and number.
I read it as a daily reminder
to take action.

And right now is a great time
to take action.
It is a time of change,
yes, some of it painful,
but everyone is now forced
to think in different ways
and do new things.

That new thing could be
buying a new product,
YOUR new product.

Should You Invest In Company Stock?

If you want a future in the company
and that company has an employee stock purchase plan,
then yes, you should.
At least a token amount.

Yes, I know the plan is supposed to be confidential
but the key words there are
‘supposed to be.’

Even if that information isn’t leaked,
you will be asked
(at some point)
and most people are horrible liars.
Sniffing out liars is an exec sport.

Also as a new business development gal,
I could never stand up in front of an exec team
proposing my solution as
best for the company
without owning a piece of that company.
That type of internal disconnect is a career killer.

You Are A Fraud

A friend of mine told me
she doesn’t consider herself a writer
but instead as someone who writes.
She feels like a fraud
calling herself a writer
because she has only had
one novel
(out of forty published)
top the New York Times Bestseller List.

I bill myself as a new business development gal
but the thing is,
I’ve only launched a few hundred products.
There are many people who have launched more.

We all think we’re frauds.

There will always be people who
have done more
or know more
in your chosen field.
That doesn’t mean you’re not worthy of the expert label.

Some clear indications that you’re worthy are…
– You are asked to speak on the topic
– Clients solicit your consulting services
(no pitch required)
– You attend a seminar on the subject
and know more than the presenter
– You give more back in knowledge
than you take

The Retirement Talent Pool

A loved one had an RFP for a high profile deal.
His current staff couldn’t handle the additional workload.
He didn’t have time to train a temp,
Instead, he offered a contract assignment
a newly retired employee.

She knew the systems.
She had the skills.
She even had contacts at the company
they were pitching to.
It was the perfect solution.

It is called double dipping,
an employee receiving
both retirement income
and employment income
from the same company.

It works out well for everyone.
The company gets a well trained temp
and the retiree gets a boost to her bank account.

45 percent of companies place restrictions
on rehiring retirees.

If your company doesn’t,
stay in touch with your retiring employees
(the ones you wouldn’t mind rehiring).
Keep them in mind for special projects.

Making Hay

My previous contract gig ended on Friday.
I started my new contract gig yesterday.

I wasn’t too enthused about
starting a new assignment so soon
but the opportunity is interesting
and I can see a slowdown
in contract gigs
hovering on the horizon.

So I decided to do
what my farming grandfather always advised
“Make hay while the sun shines.”

Yes, opportunities come regularly
but when you need that opportunity,
it is best to take it
when it is offered.

Just in case.

Drinking And Pitching Don’t Mix

I left a message with a salesman
late at night.
I didn’t expect a call back immediately
so I was very impressed
when I got one.

Until I found out
the salesman was drunk.
He slurred through a half hour long rambling sales pitch
until I could finally get off the phone with him.
I didn’t buy.
I doubt I will ever buy from the company again.

The company had an admirable rule
of always calling clients back
within a half hour.
that didn’t take into account
the fact
that their salespeople were human
and that the workday is now 24 hours.

Don’t force your salespeople to pitch.
No pitch is better than a bad pitch.

The Right Attitude For A Recession

Tom Peters reminds managers

“**Banish gloomy from your personal demeanor—if it kills you!

(**”Sunny” is pretty stupid, too:
Who do you think you’re kidding.)

(**”Determined”-“Gettin’ on with gettin’ on” is best.)

**The great juggling act:
PMA while preparing for the worst.
(Positive Mental Attitude—
but know the drill if the recession goes 24 months,
which it easily might.)”

We all know the sky is falling.
When we are hit with pieces every day
(the latest bad news),
we don’t need our managers also reminding us.

What we DO need is hope
and a plan.

A United Front

Team meetings are held for a reason.
Within the confines of a meeting room,
team members can debate
and even disagree with
possible courses of action.

Once the decision is made,
and team members leave the room,
there has to be a united front.
That means support of the decision,
whether you agreed or not.
If you can’t dredge up support,
at least be silent on the matter.

There is no benefit to grumbling.
Grumbling says
the team can’t count on you to support them.
No one wants to work with a back stabber.

What if you know the decision is wrong?
That means short term pain
but long term gain.
If the decision is proven wrong,
your fellow team members
will remember you weren’t in favor.
You’ll be listened to
or even put in charge
of the next similar decision.

Holiday Party Rules

It is holiday party time again.
Every year, I debate going over the rules
yet again
and then every year,
I attend a party
where a rising star crashes and burns
by breaking them.

First, treat this like business.
Because it is.
Holiday parties are
when execs and managers introduce
and then evaluate their star employees.
See all those execs huddled in the corner?
They’re talking about you.
Make sure that talk is positive.

Second, don’t drink.
Have a glass if you can handle it.
If in doubt, stick to soda or water.

Third, prep your date.
Tell him or her what your goals are
how you want to be perceived.
There is nothing more powerful
than a third party (your date)
singing your praises.
I was the spouse at a party two weeks ago.
On the Monday following,
the hubby was called into his manager’s office
and told that after talking with me at the party,
the manager added an extra percent
to his raise.

Actually, I lied.
There is something more powerful
than your date singing your praises
and that is
if your EXEC’s date sings your praises.
Don’t ignore spouses.
A good exec spouse
is doing exactly what your date is doing.
He/She is gathering information.

Most attendees don’t follow these rules.
That works out in your favor
because you’ll stand out when you do.