The Repeat Customer

I’m doing it with my romance blog.
Consulting companies do it with support agreements.
Stores do it with extended warranties.

Convert a one time buy
into a regular stream of income.

One perk of this strategy
is in justifying
the always questioned marketing spend.

An author buddy promoted his static website.
He got some great one time traffic.
There was no reason for readers to come back
so they didn’t.

I’m getting great traffic also
but because of the blog format,
the promise of a new story every week,
my readers are coming back.
I’m seeing readership build.

The result?
The two of us might have the same
number of our first titles sold
for this specific marketing push
but I have the potential
of selling my next title to the returning readers.
More value for the same
semi-pricey marketing spend.

Categorized as Sales