How Carmine Gallo Wins Fans

As a blogger, I get quite a few freebie books.
The usual process is…
a PR person emails me,
asks me to review the book. 
I am sent the book with
a general cover letter from the PR agency.
I email them with a link to my book mention and
sometimes (not often) I get an email “thanks” back. 

Not so with Carmine Gallo

He emails me (he does, not his PR person)
says that he read on my blog
(and he names the blog site) 
that I loved 10 Simple Secrets (I did). 
Would I like a copy of his new book Fire Them Up!? 
No mention of a review, a simple give. 
I receive the book and
a pack of Fire Them Up! red hots are included. 
Then I get an email. 
Did I receive the book? 
Was there any problems with the shipping? 
Follow up. 
And I suspect that when I send him links to the posts,
I will not only get a thank you back but
he’ll personalize that thanks. 

THAT is how you win fans. 

BTW… skimming through the book,
it has enough information in the first chapter
to put it on the keeper shelf.
A great gift idea for that business person on your holiday list.

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