The Way Things Used To Be

This is the time of year
during which
many of us are looking backward
and reviewing what has happened.

This can be a worthwhile activity.
We can revisit lessons learned,
good and bad,
and carry that knowledge
forward with us.

The less positive aspect
is the temptation
to muse forever about
the way things used to be,
the good ol’ days,
when sales were easy
and there was no competition.

Those days only exist
in our heads.
Sales have never been easy.
When there was less competition,
we had prospects
who didn’t realize they needed
our products and services.

Thinking about it
for a long time
changes nothing.
We have to work
with the environment
we’re now in,
not some fantasy past.

Don’t get stuck
looking backward.
There are opportunities
in front of us.