Extreme Struggle And Outlasting The Competition

I grew up dirt poor.
We struggled
to put food on the table.
All of us worked hard
and had to find creative solutions
for problems
others simply threw money at.

When I hit adversity now,
I know I can handle it
because I handled it in the past.
I know what I can do
with no money
and a whole lot of willpower.

The competition quits.
I keep going.

Joey Rivera,
founder of
Rivera Group,

“If you have known
the extent of extreme struggle,
running a small business is easy.

Hard is relative.

When you have to kick into high gear
and dig deep,
it’s easy,
because you’ve been there before.

It’s an exercise in
outlasting the competition.”

Extreme struggle makes you
MORE qualified
to build businesses,
not less.