The Slow And Not-Very-Sexy Route To Sales

I have a fairly sizable readership
(customer base)
in a specific romance niche.
I get messages every dang day
from other writers
(the competition)
asking me for my ‘secret.’

My secret?

I have personally communicated
with almost every reader (customer)
I have,
often more than once.

I post in a Facebook group.
One reader comments.
I chat with this reader.
She buys my book.

I tweet a popular industry hashtag.
One reader tweets back.
We chat.
She buys my book.

Do that again
5,000 times
and you’ll have a sizable readership
(customer base).

Is it fast?
Is it sexy?
It is a slow, not-at-all glamorous,
a bit of a grind,
but it works.

Normally I never hear
from that newer writer again.
She is searching for
the secret to quick, easy sales,
and the reality is…
that ‘secret’ rarely works.

I suggest you do both.
While looking for the secret
to quick sales,
work on the slow and steady method.

Categorized as Sales