If December Is A Bad Month For Sales…

As I mentioned yesterday,
my primary products are eBooks
and eBooks aren’t purchased
as Christmas presents.

My sales in December
(until readers receive
their gift cards on December 25th).

Knowing this,
I don’t launch any new products
in December.

What I do is
give series readers
a free thank you short story.

This short story
assumes readers
have read all of the other stories
in the series.
This encourages readers
to ‘catch up.’

And, because this short story is free,
it makes readers happy.
They are more likely
to pre-order the next story
when they receive their gift cards.

Just because December is a rough month
for sales
doesn’t mean
you can’t set January up to be
a super month for sales.
Build the base now.

Categorized as Marketing