Outgrowing Your Advisory Group

Jim Rohn

“You are the average
of the five people
you spend the most time with.”

I’ve outgrown
my five.

When I first started
taking the Romance Novel Business
I became part of a team
of five writers.

All of these writers
were serious.
They were all ahead of me

They pushed me
to become better.
I learned so much.

Then I started outselling them.
I was the person
giving back,
pushing them to become better.

They had other goals.
I continued seeking to improve.

Today, I am at a different level.
I’m still part of this group
but they are my friends,
not my advisers.
I talk to them socially.
I share what I learn
but I don’t learn from them.

If you continue pushing yourself,
you will likely outgrow
your initial advisory group also
and that’s okay.

Consider giving back to them
and continue moving forward.