Not Your Customers

You’re working hard,
building a business,
trying to change the world.

You send out a newsletter
or post information
about your product/service
on social media.

And you receive complaints.
Not a gazillion complaints
but a few,
enough to make you feel bad.

Someone marks your newsletter
as spam,
even though they signed up for it.
Someone makes a post
mocking your product/service.


They’re not your customer.
Repeat after me.
They’re not your customer

They might have been
your customer
a year ago.
They might still be using
your product/service today.

But they’re not the person
you created it for.
They’re not the person
who will appreciate it,
love it,
look forward to your newsletters,
welcome your posts.

Those people are unlikely
to say anything.
They will see your newsletter
or post
and quietly buy
your product/service.
THAT is how they tell you
they love your product/service.

Focus on them.

Categorized as Marketing