Luck IS Part Of Your Success

I work damn hard
on the writing business.
I put in long hours.
I’ve hired a great team.
I study the market
and I promote heavily.

But a good portion of my success
is due to luck.

How do I know this?
Because buddies have done the same,
have worked as hard,
have better teams,
more talent
and they don’t yet have
my level of success.

I can point to the lucky breaks
I’ve received.

For example,
a big writer in the same niche
mentioned my books to her readers.
She hadn’t had a book release
in that niche for a year
and her readers were willing
to try another writer.

A big movie in my niche released.
Book bloggers,
wanting to be trendy,
covered my niche
and spotlighted my release.

The list goes on.

EVERY success
is due,
in some part,
to luck.

Which means we should be grateful
when we experience success.
We should be understanding
of those who haven’t yet been ‘lucky.’
We should be humble.

All of this,
will lead to our success
being a greater source of joy
for us.

Successful people are lucky people
(and we are all successful in some way).
We should never forget that.