Does This Product Represent Your Brand

When I was in new product development
at a major beverage company,
one of the questions we would ask
about each new product
what brand does it fall under
(if any)?

Each brand made a promise
to customers.
One brand might have
‘fun’ fruit-based drinks.
Another brand might have
more ‘serious’ fruit-based drinks.

Ensuring the new product
was in the right brand
was key,
not merely for the new product’s success,
but for the success
of the existing products
in the brand.
Adding a ‘wrong’ product
could destroy the brand.

Bella Andre,
New York Times Bestselling Author,

“Fulfilling the promise
to your reader.

This is
the #1 most important thing
I do,
all day every day,
as a writer
–and also the “brand manager”
of my “Bella Andre” brand.

I am very clear about
what my promise is to my readers
(emotional contemporary romances
with deep family bonds at the heart
–even my Maverick Billionaires
while not technically related by blood
are a close-knit family),
and after 50+ books,
when I’m writing/editing
I know when the promise is there
and when it isn’t
and needs to be rewritten.”

If your possible new product
doesn’t fulfill your existing brand’s promise,
consider launching it under another brand
or not at all.

Categorized as Marketing