Ryan Reynolds, Deadpool And Testing The Market

The reason Deadpool,
one of the highest earning movies
of last year,
was made
was because a test reel was leaked
to the public.

*Ryan Reynolds

“When the leaked footage
got around the internet,
it created this enormous groundswell.
I credit Twitter users,
Facebook users, and
Instagram users
for getting this movie made.”

I use hints
about upcoming books
to help test storylines.

I might post something like
“I have a great idea
for an unusual shifter story.”
and then I’ll listen to the feedback.

If no comments are posted,
I know there’s no interest.

If readers react positively,
there might be a market.

The key is to be specific enough
to test the idea
but vague enough
to prevent competitors from stealing it.

Consider using
social media to test ideas.

*January 3