Are Your Older Products Still Relevant?

As we near
the end of the year,
many of us
are planning
new product/service releases
for 2017.

We should also consider
whether or not
we wish to retire older products/services.

Perhaps when we first started
our businesses,
we offered quite a few different products/services,
not knowing which one
would interest prospects
or ourselves.

Now, months or years later,
we have found our niche
and some of these offerings
don’t fit into that niche.
They’re distracting,
send a confusing message
to prospects.
Consider retiring these offerings.

Maybe you’ve updated
the product/service.
Consider retiring
the old product/service.

Maybe offering that product/service
at the market price
is too costly.
Consider retiring it.

Focus is powerful.
If a product/service isn’t adding value,
eliminate it.
Concentrate on the products/services
you DO want to offer.

As an aside:
I retired over 100 stories
in 2016.
My total sales increased.
A bigger selection
isn’t necessarily better.