Get Excited

I sell more books
when I’m super excited
about the book
and super excited
about sharing it
with readers.

Readers feel that excitement
and they want a part of it.

So before I craft promo
or attend an event
or speak to readers,
I get myself pumped up
about the book I’m selling.
Sometimes I’ll get help
from loved ones
(this is one great way
loved ones can contribute
to our business building).

Seth Godin

“We can’t be
on our toes
all the time.
It’s too exhausting,
and we can’t keep it up.

But what happens
if we decide,
everyone in this room,
right here and right now,
at least for a little while,
that we’ll act as if
it’s the first time,
or the last time,
or our best shot?

What would happen
if we all got on our toes,
Just for a little while?

That’s when
big things happen.”

Get excited about
whatever you’re doing
or marketing
or selling.

Categorized as Sales