The Indie Advantage Expiry Date

I’ve talked in the past
about how being Indie
can be a great advantage.

There’s a strong
Independent/Small Business movement
right now,
with customers more likely
to support small business.
Small businesses are also banding together,
supporting each other.

This is happening
in the writing community also.

When I first started
self publishing,
I had tremendous support
from both the reading
and the writing communities.

Then one of my series
became successful.

The reading community
continued to support me.
The writing community
They felt I was too successful
to be Indie.

That’s reasonable.
There has to be some
line drawn
between Indie and not Indie.

Thankfully, I’d added
most of the readers
to my newsletter subscriber list.

Right now,
you might have the Indie advantage.
Don’t count on having
that advantage forever.
Secure those customers.

Categorized as Marketing