Should You Care About Brexit?

A romance writer told me
that she didn’t give a shit
about Brexit.

I care.

The UK is my second largest source
of romance eBook sales
(the first being the USA).
That alone makes the situation
worth understanding.

Brexit will have a major impact
on what stories are popular.
I haven’t yet figured out
where tone will go.
I suspect stories set
outside the real world
will gain in popularity.
Contemporary romance
will be even more challenging to sell.

And that’s simply the impact
on the romance novel industry.

The world significantly changed
last week.
Even if you only do business
within the USA,
Brexit will have consequences
for your business.

Whether or not
this change is good or bad
depends on your industry
and your business
and how you respond to it.

You don’t have to understand
the details of Brexit
(I don’t think anyone
fully understands that)
but you should try to understand
how it will change your business.

The world is small.
Major world events
will change the future
of your business.