How To Format Your Marketing Emails And Newsletters

In the book industry,
newsletters are
THE most powerful form
of marketing.
A writer’s newsletter list
whether or not
she hits the best seller lists.

Formatting the newsletter
and other emails to readers
is key.

Gabriel Shaoolian

“When recipients open their emails,
they don’t expect to see
as much text
as they would
when reading a full-length article,
so it’s essential
you keep it concise.

Use large text
to convey your main messaging
and keep your copy to one column
—if you start adding
multiple columns of text,
you run the risk of overwhelming readers.

Whether you want users to “request a quote”
or “buy now,”
calls-to-action should be prominently displayed
in the email,
making it as simple as possible
for the user to take the next step
that will lead them to your website.”

Pay attention to
how you format your emails
and your newsletters.
It will influence sales.

Categorized as Marketing