Letting Go

Most business builders are control freaks,
at least in a small way.
We feel the need to be involved
in every decision,
to be part of every step
in the process.

That’s not possible.
Even if we’re one woman businesses,
we lose control of the product
once the customer has bought it.

And if we want to scale,
we need to learn to delegate,
to trust others to make decisions.

Seth Godin

“Caring matters.
Your contribution makes things better.
But when the need for control
starts to get in the way
of your people doing their best work,
caring about their craft
and scaling their efforts,
and when the need for control
starts to make you crazy,
it might be worth thinking
about that wedding in Baton Rouge
that went just fine without you.”

Learn how to delegate
and let go,
but take comfort in knowing
that many of us
find this a challenge.