Only When You Need Help

We all know folks in our personal lives
who only contact us
when they need help.
They never call simply to talk.
They never seem to be around
when we need help.

We’re not thrilled to help these people.

When it’s a business relationship,
it seems to be more acceptable
to contact folks
only when we need help.

because it isn’t,
not if we are asking the same person
for help
over and over again,
taking and never giving back.

You might say
‘But helping me is their job.
That’s what they’re paid to do.’
Yes, but they likely have many people
they could help.
Why would they put
helping you as a priority
if you’re merely part of their job?

This is why thank you cards,
holiday cards,
thinking of you gifts or emails
are important.
These are small give backs
to offset all the taking.

Make certain the help flows both ways.