Be Precise

When I first started writing romances,
I used general examples
‘He worked hard’
or ‘She cared for the children on her ward’
in hopes that these examples would appeal
to more people.

Instead, they appealed to no one.
Readers couldn’t visualize
what ‘working hard’ or ‘caring’ was.

Changing this to
‘He worked every day, Monday to Sunday,
from seven in the morning
to nine at night’
‘Every night, it didn’t matter how tired she was,
Nancy read a story from the big book of fairy tales
to Susie, a six year old patient in remission’
allowed readers to ‘see’ , to believe, to care.

This is true in marketing and sales also.

Charles Rubin shares

“If you’re selling a service,
explain it in terms of real benefits
people get from using it.
Instead of
“We offer health insurance services
for small businesses,”
“We can slash
your company’s health insurance costs
by 30 percent or more.”

Prospects know what
saving 30 percent on health insurances is.
They don’t know what
‘offering health insurance services’ is.

Be as precise as you can.
Allow your prospects to visualize
the benefits of your product/company.

Categorized as Sales