Innovation And Paying Attention

Innovation often comes
from paying attention.

You notice that everyone is excited about
a certain movie
and you ask yourself
why THAT movie?
What emotion does THAT movie
appeal to?
What has changed in the world
to make THAT movie popular
right now?

(Star Wars, for example,
ties into nostalgia.
Baby boomers are getting older
and looking backward,
wanting to revisit the past.)

When you figure that out,
the next questions are…
How can I tweak my product
to satisfy that same need?
Do I want to satisfy that need?
Is there a need that I foresee
following that one?

(Maybe you use vintage looking images
in your marketing.)

Christopher (Chris) Litster

“When you’re out and about
or online,
take a closer look
at the businesses and activities
that attract your attention and wallet.

What’s different about the design
and layout of their website
or stores,
their approach to customer service
and other differentiators
that keep you coming back
for more?”

Pay attention to the world around you.