Indie Or Craft Businesses

The big ‘thing’ in publishing
is the self-published
or indie writer.
Many readers will enthusiastically support
and market writers
they perceive as indie.

Many people feel the same way
about craft or indie businesses.
They will market
for businesses with a craft touch.

I’ve only been an indie writer
for mere months
but readers have perceived me
as being indie for years,
supporting my releases.


Because I market for myself.
Because I support other indie writers.
Because I support
small and growing
book bloggers and reviewers.

Indie is a community.
You can be part of that community
and benefit from their support
without truly being indie.
You can also be indie
without being part of the community
or benefiting from their support.

Consider making the effort
to be part of the community.

Categorized as Marketing