Answer Every Email

One of my buddies
is a bestselling writer.
She has a readership base
that pays her $4 million per book.

How does she do this?

She has a policy.
She answers EVERY email,
every direct message,
every text.
Readers know this.
They love her for it.
They buy everything she writes.

Tim Nguyen,
CEO of BeSmartee,

“One thing I do is
simply answer every email
and take every call.
No one gets left behind.
Even if you’re a salesperson
emailing me for a deal,
I will get back to you.
I’ll listen and learn,
and when I reject [the deal],
I will let you know why
and keep the channels open.
It’s good business,
but also respectful.”

Answer every email,
especially from prospects/customers.

Categorized as Sales