Marketing And The Next Product

There’s a saying
in the writing community
— your best promo
is to write the next book.

That’s bullsh*t.
If no one knows about your book,
no one will buy it.
Write another book,
do no marketing
and no one will buy that book either.

According to a seminar
I recently took,
there are 4,500 books published
on Amazon.
Very few books are being ‘discovered’
without a tremendous push
by the writer
or/and the writer’s team.

Your market might not be
as crowded
as the book market
but I suspect you don’t have
prospects sitting in your parking lot,
waiting for your product to launch.

You have to tell people.
You have to market the product.
You have to sell the product.
That is all part of product development.

Product development
isn’t simply product creation.
Spend time and energy
on marketing and selling also.

Categorized as Marketing