Why You Need Entrepreneurs As Friends

No one wants to hear
about your job,
no matter how interesting
you think your job is.

The challenge
that an entrepreneur
or an artist
or anyone who lives and breathes
her ‘job’
is our ‘jobs’ ARE our great loves,
our number one interests.
We WANT to talk about them
but we risk boring ‘normal’ people.

As an anonymous entrepreneur
on Reddit

“Most ‘normal’ people can’t relate
and don’t enjoy talking
about being an entrepreneur,
so when you’re socializing
with those people
you have to keep your mouth shut
about what basically encompasses
your whole life.”

The solution?

Make friends with entrepreneurs
(or artists or whatever your passion is).
I meet once a month
with a group of writers
simply to talk
and it’s a beautiful experience,
well worth the time.

Consider reaching out
to fellow entrepreneurs.