How To Videoconference Right

You’re running a small business.
You can’t afford the time
(and often the money)
to trek across the country,
visiting with vendors
and partners.

What do you do?

You hold a
(via the internet).
It’s more intimate
than a phone call,
can often mimic
a face-to-face meeting.

But videoconference the right way.

Stephanie Tarling,
in June/July’s
CPA Magazine,

“The first rule of videoconferencing
is to realize
it’s a real meeting.
Seems obvious,
but you’d be surprised.
Videoconferences are not the same
as dial-in conference calls
during which people tend to multitask
(doodle, text, check Facebook, etc)
when they’re not directly participating.
In this case,
attendees are listening and watching,
so be aware of clothing choices
and background scenery
(read: know what is behind
and around you).”

Treat videoconferences
like face-to-face meetings.
Choose a professional spot
to hold them
and dress as you would dress
for an in-person meeting.

Categorized as Marketing