How To Turn Content Marketing Into Sales

In March/April
The Costco Connection,
Marc Anderson,
CEO of TalkToCanada,

“Content marketing increases
awareness and trust
in our brand
by positioning us
as an expert in our field.
We limit salesy content
on our website,
focusing instead on
useful information
which helps increase traffic.”
“All of our leads
come through our website,
with 88 percent of new visitors
finding us via our blog.
Blog posts that help visitors
improve their English do best,
such as
‘Tips on How To Build Up
Your Confidence
When Speaking English.’
Many visitors register
for our one-hour trial lesson
and 85 percent
become full-time customers
for our English language training classes.”

Notice how his company
doesn’t try to sell
the prospects something
directly after the article.
Instead, they offer a free trial,
easing the customer
into the sale.

Consider offering blog readers
a free trial
at the end of your posts.

Categorized as Marketing