Eliminate ‘Can’t’

Terry Starbucker
recently posted
the 5 best pieces
of leadership advice
he’s ever received.

One was
“Take the word
“can’t” out of your vocabulary,
it’s useless.”

Two of my mentors
gave me the same advice.

The first mentor
was my mom.
When I told her
I couldn’t complete one of my chores
because I was busy
with schoolwork,
she corrected me.
She said I could complete my chores
but I CHOSE to complete
the schoolwork instead.

The second mentor
was the V-P
of a huge beverage company.
When we’d tell him
‘this can’t be done’,
he’d reply
that everything could be done.
The real question was…
SHOULD it be done?
Do the results
warrant the resources?

Make a deliberate effort
to eliminate the word
‘can’t’ from your mental dictionary.