Your Brand Identity

When I first started writing.
Heck, when I first started
leading projects at companies.
I didn’t know who I was.
I would accept every project offered.
The projects I thought
I’d be great at
often didn’t fit my personality.
The projects I thought
I would fail leading
often were my biggest successes.

We don’t know
who we are
until we start doing.
That’s one of the reasons
I push you to do.

Scott Ginsberg

“The irony is,
artists assume the reason
they can’t get started
is because
they don’t know who they are.
But that’s putting the cart
before the horse.

Truth is,
the reason they don’t know
who they are
is because
they haven’t gotten started.
They haven’t created enough
to know what kind of creator they are.”

Learn what kind of creator
YOU are.