Suggesting Opportunities

Our opportunities are only
as limited
as our thinking.
The issue is…
for many of us,
our thinking is extremely limited.
We can’t see opportunities
so we can’t take advantage of them.

That is why we need people
who suggest the strange,
the bizarre,
the non status quo,
the thinking outside the box.

Because once we’re out of this box,
we can see even more opportunities.

This is true for co-workers,
even customers.

Seth Godin

“But in revolutionary times,
when the number of options
is exploding,
the opportunities go to someone
who can describe something
that’s not in stock,
that perhaps has never
even been described before.

Custom-made does you no good
if you don’t know what you want.”

When you see someone limited
by her thinking,
suggest opportunities
outside of her current world.